
Jennifer Sertl & The Transleadership

Some months ago, I saw a message on Twitter by some John C. Maxwell saying something like “if you want to know what leadership is, Jennifer Sertl is the person to ask”. Then I decided to find out about her and I ended up watching a video based on a great book called Strategy, Leadership & The Soul written by Jennifer & Koby Huberman. To make the story short, I got in touch with Jennifer and I experimented myself what an example of transleadership she is. So, I decided to humbly collaborate with her and bring her message to Spain (the country I live presently) and Spanish speaking people around the world.

I invite you to research on this concept: transleadership. Here you are a talk by Jennifer at the Marist College . I’m sure you will learn a lot from her. Enjoy it!

Michael Thallium
Global & Greatness Coach
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