
(Español) Sapere aude – Joan Manuel Gisbert – Literatura juvenil

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Sapere aude – Dare to know

Coming soon! Sapere aude, dare to know, a series of podcasts on music, culture, science, art, literature, humanities & much more. Abbi il coraggio di conoscere, dare to know,  is the scientist Rita Levi Montalcini’s 2004 book. Many others authors used this latin maxim before her: Horace, Kant… Let’s dare to know together! Stay tuned!

The Value of Self-Value

From self-love emanates self-value, that is, the value you give to yourself, which most likely won’t coincide with the value your are given by the others. That value you are given is at the mercy and will of others; your self-value, if it comes from a sincere critical exercise, is the one that truly counts. [...]

(Español) Francisco Tomás y Valiente In Memoriam

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(Español) Es la cultura

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(Español) El secreto de nada

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(Español) ¿Por qué coño estamos aquí?

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(Español) ¡Qué cosa extraña es la vida!

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The Privilege of Time

Life, for those of us privileged enough to have time to live it, is a slow learning process. But the real learning is to take advantage of that time to keep learning. Learning for the sake of it, with no other motivation than living. You live because you live; you learn because you [...]

(Español) Paco o la indefensión aprendida

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