
10 Good Manners for Social Media

To read the orginal article by Dr Amit Nagpal, please visit merinews or click HERE.

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Social media is all about sharing your talents and skills.

Zig Ziglar rightly says, ‘You can have anything you want as long as you give people enough of what they want’. Become likeable and respectable by sharing wisdom and good content that you come across. ‘Service before Self’ is the motto of National Defence Academy, India. The same philosophy applies to social media.

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Observe people before getting too friendly

First observe people what they like, how they behave, what they share and what kind of posts they comment on. Then slowly become friendly by offering help. You need to be extra sensitive when dealing with people of other cultures and young women for example. Many people get turned off by over-friendly behavior and may think that you have a hidden agenda…

If you wish to keep on reading this interesting article, please click HERE.

Dr Amit Nagpal is a Personal Branding Consultant and specializes in Personal Branding with a holistic touch. He is based in New Delhi, India. His philosophy is, “Take charge of your life and your brand”

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