
A Wish for You: Enthusiasm

December is the last month of the year. It’s actually the last month of all the years in our lives. And for many people in the world this is a moment to recap, reflect and make some resolutions. Regardless of your religion or creed, of whether you indeed want to recap or not, [...]

The Greatness Of People

The greatness of people… That’s one of the reasons why I decided to dedicate myself to coaching and language training. I believe in human potential. Certainly, there are moments when you have doubts about the validity of your principles and values. People, we, are capable of many things. Some of them are good, [...]

The Tempotention

According to the sentence “the more I listen to, the more it remains to be listened”, it is clear to me that I will have no time to listen – understand, fathom – to everything I would like to. I can only aspire, if that is an aspiration, to enjoy what my brain [...]

Listening and Rediscovering Everything Around You – Kalevi Aho

Some four years ago, I started with an experiment on empathic listening that has led me to walk down unexpected paths. My intention was to see the effect music could have on the brain and check if you can enhance your empathic listening to people by listening to music. I must confess that [...]

On Miracles, Personal Development and Hermann the Lame

One of the words that hast lost his traditional meaning for me — and I emphasise “for me” — is the word “miracle”, namely: an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. If you do not believe in the [...]

Morton Feldman’s String Quartets, Personal Development and Deep Listening Enhancement (Part 2)

I write these lines just after spending about six hours listening to the String Quartet No. 2 by Morton Feldman (1926-1987), quite a sonic-meditative experience for me. It’s not easy to summarise six hours of mindful listening in just a few words. To be honest, for me this experienc has been a little [...]

Morton Feldman’s String Quartets, Personal Development and Deep Listening Enhancement

Morton Feldman, 1926-1987

Those people who are not used to listening to Western concert music will find Morton Feldman’s String Quartets strange, awkward and hard to understand. His String Quartet No. 1 lasts roughly an hour and a half; String Quartet No. 2 lasts a bit more than six hours, which [...]

On Happiness and Blissfulness: PRESENCE

The best vitamin to be a happy person is B1… Yes, I know, it’s a bad joke, but the thing is that this is the last article of this series entitled “On Happiness and Blisfulness”. In my opinion, this article is the most interesting of them all. It is about finding the [...]

On Happiness and Blissfulness: TRUST

Time is not running out, it’s flying… and flying high! One more week since I wrote my last article on the series “On Happiness and Blissfulness”. I must admit that the exercise I have been having trouble following it is the “Healthy Plan” that I introduced in my previous article. Here you are [...]

On Happiness and Blissfulness: HEALTH

How long has it been since I wrote my previous article on this blog? Yes, some 604,800 seconds, that is, a week. Yes, time goes by very quickly. Above all if you flow! When I started to write this series of articles on happiness and blissfulness, I was inspired by a course by [...]