
(Español) A ti, Cerebro

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(Español) Dante, la mocedad enamorada y el piano de Dombriz

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Art, Trade & Life

Those of us who love to dive into the primordial soup of words in search for answers, we sometimes run the risk of getting stuck on words, on the literality. This is a bit paradoxical because there is nothing like knowing the exact meaning of words to avoid misunderstandings. However, — and [...]

George Santayana, Persons And Places

I am writing these lines while I am listening to Musica Ficta perform the Requiem by Tomas Luis de Victoria. I chose this music for practical reasons. Victoria was born in the province of Avila. He was a catholic priest and arguably the greatest Spanish composer of all times; he spent part of [...]

German For Beginners: The Game

On the following video I use a little game to speak about the numbers from 1 to 10 and about some nouns, verbs and prepositions in German. The basic vocabulary shown on this video is:

das Spiel, die Spiele: game, games (play, plays)
die Kiste, die Kisten: box, boxes
der Ball, die Bälle: ball, balls
die Ente, die [...]

German For Beginners: The Colours

On the following video I speak about the colours in German. The basic vocabulary shown on this video is:

die Farbe, die Farben (feminine): colour, colours
der Bleistift, die Bleistifte (masculine): pencil, pencils
der Farbbleistift, die Farbbleistifte: colouring pencil, colouring pencils
das Telefon, die Telefone (neutral): telephone, telephones

rot: red
grün: green
schwarz: black
weiss: white
gelb: yellow
blau: blue
orange: orange
braun: brown
grau: grey
pink: pink
violett: [...]

German for Beginners: The Vowels

The following video shows the vowel sounds in German: a, e, i, o, u, ä, ö, ü, ei, eu, ie.

Michael Thallium

German for Beginners: simple sentences

Learning a language is a bit of a challenge. And as it happens with every challenge you face in life, it requires time and dedication. Her you are a video with some simple sentences you can practise. The exercise is about listening and repeating:

German for Beginners: The Numbers

The following two videos deal with the numbers in German. Enjoy them!

Michael Thallium

Global & Greatness Coach
Book your [...]

German for Beginners: VERBS

The following video is created for those people who would like to learn German. On it, I tackle some verbs. This video may not make you smarter, but for sure it will make you less ignorant. At least, I hope so…