This is the edited video of the fourth interview of the series “A Coffee With…” This time, my guest was the British composer, journalist, blogger and lecturer Robert Hugill. The original “A Coffee With…” session took place on Wednesday June 10th 2020 on my Facebook wall. It was simultaneously transmitted on Music Without Quarantine. That live interview is a bit longer, because it includes waiting moments until we could start with our “virtual coffee”. If you wish, you can see the original interview HERE.
Robert Hugill was born in Cleethorpes (UK) in 1955. Mainly a self-taught musician, Robert has spent over 30 decades singing and conducting choirs. He writes music reviews for several newspapers and music magazines. He also runs a highly regarded internet blog on music: Planet Hugill. In this conversation over coffee, Robert and I speak about his origins, about the choral tradition, about opera and his music writing, not only as a critic but as a composer as well. So far, Robert has premiered four operas: Garrett, When a Man Knows, The Genesis of Frankenstein, and The Gardeners. Among his CDs, I recommend to listen to The Testament of Dr Cranmer and Quickening.
Previous guests of the “A Coffee With…” series were the conductor Marco Antonio García de Paz, the music critic Arturo Reverter and the accordionist Iñaki Alberdi. Robert is the first guest of this series whom I don’t know in person and I take this “virtual coffee” as an attempt to discover who Robert Hugill is and what he does…
Michael Thallium
Global & Greatness Coach
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