This is the edited video of the 10th interview of the series “A Coffee With…”. On this occasion my guest was the Portuguese musicologist and lutenist Hugo Sanches, who is the director of the early music ensemble O bando de surunyo. The original “Coffee with…” took place on Friday July 3rd 2020 on my Facebook wall. It was simultaneously transmitted on Music Without Quarantine.
Hugo Sanches was born in Porto and has dedicated his life to the research, diffusion and performance of early music, especially Iberia (Portugal & Spain) early music. I met Hugo in 2019 during the International Music Festival Abvlensis, in Avila, Spain. Their performance was so fabulous that it was impossible for me not to have a coffee with Hugo and speak about O bando de surunyo.
In our virtual conversation over coffee, we speak about Hugo’s early years when he took up the electric guitar because he wanted to play in a rock band until things evolved towards the field of early music. We also speak about his studies at the College of Music ESMAE of Porto and at the University of Coimbra, where there is a library, Biblioteca Joanina, with over 2.500 music manuscripts.
Previous “Coffee with…” guests were: the conductor Marco Antonio García de Paz, the music critic Arturo Reverter and accordionist Iñaki Alberdi, the composer & music critic Robert Hugill, the bass singer & lutenist Joel Frederiksen, the conductor Cristóbal Soler, the music agent Andreea Butucariu, the musicologist & cornetto player Bruce Dickey and the orchestra conductor Mei-Ann Chen.
Michael Thallium
Global & Greatness Coach
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